LEGION Simulator Help

Fundamentals of LEGION analyses

It is useful to think of LEGION analyses as asking the following questions of a simulated space:

  • Where do you want to analyse?

    This is the ‘scope’ of the analysis and is defined by the Analysis Objects.

  • Who do you want to analyse?

    You can define this by filtering Entities in or out of the analysis.

  • What do you want to measure?

    You can apply a wide range of metrics to your defined analysis area and chosen Entities.

Once you have defined all these questions, you can then select graphs to display the results of your analyses.

The following is a high-level procedure for running an analysis:

To run an analysis:

  1. Identify the metrics you want to apply.
  2. Place the relevant Analysis Objects.
  3. Set up your analysis (including setting all parameters for the Analysis Objects.
  4. Select graphs to display the results of your analysis.